
Utilities for using scarif in unit tests.


(deref-configuration-source derefable)
Returns a PolledConfigurationSource that will expect to read
a map by deref'ing the argument.


(init! derefable & {:keys [poll-frequency url-configuration? system-configuration? env-configuration?], :or {poll-frequency 1000, url-configuration? true, system-configuration? true, env-configuration? true}})
Initialize Archaius to use a deref'able configuration source.

derefable should be a deref-able value that returns a map of the new
configuration (e.g., an atom containing a map).

Other keyword args:

poll-frequency -- frequency to poll your configuration source in milliseconds (default 1000).
url-configuration? -- boolean, to use a DynamicURLConfiguration (true)
system-configuration? -- boolean, to use a SystemConfiguration (true)
env-configuration? -- boolean, to use a EnvironmentConfiguration (true)

Returns the scheduler for the dynamic configuration, which is extended
with a triggerNow method, to trigger polling early.